This concepts will help you understand React in depth. If you want to master React, or are looking for interview preparation resources, this series will help you, every weekend i am adding more articles to the list, each concept in depth. So do bookmark this link.
- React – A deep dive
- React – DOM and Virtual DOM
- React Lifecycle Methods (class components)
- React Hooks (functional components)
- React – Design Patterns & Anti Patterns
Some questions recently asked in Interviews :
- How does React Fiber improve performance in React applications?
- Explain different life cycle methods
- Explain the concept of reconciliation in React.
- Explain the concept of code splitting and its benefits in React.
- What are the key differences between server-side rendering (SSR) and client-side rendering (CSR) in React?
- Describe the concept of render props and its use cases in React.
- How can you optimize the rendering of large lists in React?
- Explain the concept of memoization and its importance in React.
- What is the purpose of the useEffect() hook in React and how does it work?
- How does React handle routing and navigation?
- How can you handle asynchronous operations in React using async/await?
- Explain the concept of the Context API in React and its benefits.
- What is the role of higher-order components (HOC) in React and how can you implement them?
- Describe the concept of controlled and uncontrolled components in React forms.
- How does React handle state management in large-scale applications?
- Explain the concept of suspense in React and its use cases.
- What are the different ways to handle side effects in React using hooks?
- How can you prevent unnecessary re-renders in React?
- What are the different ways to style components in React?
- What are the key considerations when implementing a scalable React application?
- Describe the concept of reusability, modularity, testablity in React components.
Important topics
- New features introduced in React 18 Versions
- Higher-Order Components (HOC’s) in React
- Clear understanding of Virtual DOM
- Prop drilling , how to avoid it
- React Side Effects and how can we manage them ?
- During what stages of a React Component Life Cycle, do we call Life Cycle Methods? When it is created, mounted, updated, and unmounted.
- what is componentDidCatch
- React Hooks