Javascript – ES6 Features

ES6 introduced the following Features :

  • let and const – var, let and const
  • Template Literals – Use backticks `to create strings that can include variables and expressions.
  • Fat arrow functions – A shorter way to write functions with =>.
  • Default parameters –  Set default values for function parameters.
  • Enhanced object literals -A simpler way to set up objects.
  • Sets and WeakSets
  • Maps and WeakMaps
  • Rest and Spread Operator (…) – Use ... to work with functions that have an unknown number of arguments.
  • Array & Object Destructuring – A quick way to pull out values from arrays or objects.
  • Classes – Makes it easier to create and manage objects in a more organized way.
  • Promises –  A new system for handling tasks that might take some time to finish.
  • Generators – A way to make functions that can pause and resume, useful for certain types of tasks.


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