Javascript – var, let and const (ES6)

In this tutorial we will understand some of the features of var, let and const in ES6:

var, let and const

  • var declarations are function scoped and supports hoisting
  • let declarations are block scoped
  • const declarations are block scoped

When to use Var, let and const ?

There is no as such rule stating where to use each of them, Everyone has different opinions. But according to the properties of these three, it should be used as follows.

  • Use var for top-level variables that are shared across many (especially larger) scopes.
  • Use let for localized variables in smaller scopes.
  • Use const for, if there is no need to re-assign any variable like const PI = 3.14; .

Let’s now deep dive to understand var, let and const better


Var are function scoped, which means they are still accessible outside the block scope even though we have declared them inside it.

// for loop is block scoped
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    var iAmInside = "I am available outside of the loop";

// I am available outside of the loop

// block scope
if (true) {
    var inside = "Inside";
// Inside

// Function scoped
function myFunc() {
    var functionScoped = "I am available inside this function";
// I am available inside this function
// ReferenceError: functionScoped is not defined

This happens because of Hoisting.
Var are treated as if they are at the top of the function (or global scope) regardless of where the actual declaration occurs, this is called hoisting

var inside; // hoisted on the top of the function. As there is no function so it is present in the global scope.

// block scope 
if (true) {
    var inside = "Inside";
// Inside

// Function scoped. In this case value is hoisted inside the function
function getValue(condition) {
    if (condition) {
        var value = "blue";
        return value;
    } else {
        // value exists here with a value of undefined
        return value;
    // value exists here with a value of undefined

console.log(getValue(true)); // blue
console.log(getValue(false)); // undefined

// while execution it is hoisted like this internally
function getValue (condition) {
    var value; // value is hoisted as there is no value attached, so it is undefined

    if (condition) {
        var value = "blue";
        return value;
    } else {
        // value exists here with a value of undefined
        return value;

    // value exists here with a value of undefined.

console.log(getValue(true)); // blue
console.log(getValue(false)); // undefined

Reassigning works in var ๐Ÿ‘

var A = 10;
A = 15; // works
A = โ€œHelloโ€ // works
console.log(โ€˜Aโ€™, A)

Redeclaring works in var ๐Ÿ‘

var A = 10;
var A = "Hello"; // works


Let are declared same as var but it limits the variable scope to the given block. That is why we should declare let at the top of the block so that is accessible throughout the block and its sub-blocks.

 function getValue(condition) {
        if (condition) {
            let value = "blue"; // accessible inside the given scope only
            return value;
        }   else {
            // value does not exists here 
            return value;
        // value does not exists here

console.log(getValue(true)); // blue
console.log(getValue(false)); // ReferenceError: value is not defined

let x = 10;
if (x == 10) {
    let x = 11;
    console.log(x);  // 11  value of x inside if block
console.log(x); // 10   value of x global

Reassigning works in let ๐Ÿ‘

let A = 10;
A = 15; // works
A = "Hello"; // works

Redeclarationโ€™s does not work in let ๐Ÿ‘Ž

But Redeclaring works only in different scope

Suppose, Redeclared in Same Scope , let wonโ€™t work ๐Ÿ‘Ž

    let A = 10;
  let A = 15; // error can-not be redeclared as A is already defined

Suppose, Redeclared in Different Scope , let will work ๐Ÿ‘

let A = 10;
if (true){
    let A = "test"; // works without error as scope is different 
    console.log('A', A) // test
console.log('A', A); // 10


Just Like let , const is also block scoped. But it differs from the fact that their variable cannot be redeclared or change by reassigning the value. The value remains Constant.

const abc = "XYZ";
let abc; // SyntaxError: Identifier 'abc' has already been declared
abc = "pqr";  // Typeerror: Assignment to constant variable

A variable declared using โ€˜constโ€™ cannot be redefined or re-declared within its scope. ๐Ÿ‘Ž

Every const declaration must be initialised at the time of declaration.

// Should be initialized while declaring
const XYZ;  // SyntaxError: Missing Initializer in a const declaration

Const is block scoped.

if (true) {
    const a = "I am inside";
    console.log(a); // I am inside
console.log(a);   // ReferenceError : a is not defined

However, the value a constant holds may be modified if it is an object:

const person = {
    name: 'Sujay',
    age: 25,

person.age = 26;
console.log(person.age); // 26

Const declarations for objects do not prevent modification of those objects. A const declaration prevents modification of the binding and not of the value of the binding.

But this will result in error.

const person = {
    name: 'Sujay',
    age: 25, 
person = 26;
console.log(person); // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

Reassigning does not work with const ๐Ÿ‘Ž

const x = 10;
console.log(x); //prints 10
x = 11; // error: Assignment to constant variable.
const y;
y = 2; //error

Redeclaration also does not work with const ๐Ÿ‘Ž

const z = 12;
console.log(z) //prints 12
const z = 13; // error: Identifier โ€˜zโ€™ has already been declared
const userName = 'Max';
userName = 'MaxMillan'; //  will throw error

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