Using $pull in Mongodb aggregation pipelines

Removing a value from existing array using $pull

Suppose we have the following documents in the users collection:

{<br>"_id": 1,<br>"user_name": "sujaykundu",<br>"email": "",<br>"sports": ["cricket", "football", "swimming"]<br>},<br>{<br>"_id": 2,<br>"user_name": "johndoe",<br>"email": ",<br>"sports" ["webdev", "swimming"]<br>}

Now, if I want to delete swimming from the document where the user_name is โ€œsujaykunduโ€

we can do is :

     { "user_name": "sujaykundu" },
       $pull: {
         sports: {
                $in : ["swimming", "football" ]
       multi: true

Now, the result will be:

 "_id": 1,
 "user_name": "sujaykundu",
 "email": "",
  "sports": ["cricket"]
  "_id": 2,
  "user_name": "johndoe",
  "email": ",
   "sports" ["webdev", "swimming"]

### Remove Items from an Array of embedded documents

Now suppose we had the documents which has array of embedded documents,

A survey collection contains the following documents:

   _id: 1,
  results: [
         { item: "A", score: 5 },
        { item: "B", score: 8, comment: "Strongly agree" }
   _id: 2,
   results: [
        { item: "C", score: 8, comment: "Strongly agree" },
       { item: "B", score: 4 }

Now if we want to remove documents that have score as 8 and item field as B,
we can do the following :

  { "user_name": "sujaykundu" },
     $pull : {
    "results": { score: 8, item: "B" }
         multi :true

then the result will be like this:

{<br>"_id" : 1,<br>"results" : [ { "item" : "A", "score" : 5 } ]<br>}<br>{<br>"_id" : 2,<br>"results" : [<br>{ "item" : "C", "score" : 8, "comment" : "Strongly agree" },<br>{ "item" : "B", "score" : 4 }<br>]<br>}

### Remove Items from an Array of embedded documents that also contains arrays

suppose we have this :

_id: 1,
results: [
{ item: "A", score: 5, answers: [ { q: 1, a: 4 }, { q: 2, a: 6 } ] },
{ item: "B", score: 8, answers: [ { q: 1, a: 8 }, { q: 2, a: 9 } ] }
_id: 2,
results: [
{ item: "C", score: 8, answers: [ { q: 1, a: 8 }, { q: 2, a: 7 } ] },
{ item: "B", score: 4, answers: [ { q: 1, a: 0 }, { q: 2, a: 8 } ] }

Then you can specify multiple conditions on the elements of the answers array with $elemMatch:

{ },
{ $pull: { results: { answers: { $elemMatch: { q: 2, a: { $gte: 8 } } } } } },
{ multi: true }

The operation removed from the results array those embedded documents with an answers field that contained at least one element with q equal to 2 and a greater than or equal to 8:

"_id" : 1,
"results" : [
{ "item" : "A", "score" : 5, "answers" : [ { "q" : 1, "a" : 4 }, { "q" : 2, "a" : 6 } ] }
"_id" : 2,
"results" : [
{ "item" : "C", "score" : 8, "answers" : [ { "q" : 1, "a" : 8 }, { "q" : 2, "a" : 7 } ] }

So that was $pull in mongodb aggregation


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